In Gazzetta Ufficiale il Decreto ministeriale 9 giugno 2020 che disciplina condizioni, criteri e modalità per le agevolazioni a sostegno di progetti attuativi di tecnologie innovative e di filiera di cui al piano Impresa 4.0 (tra cui realtà aumentata, cloud, cybersecurity, big data, blockchain, intelligenza artificiale, internet of things, software, sistemi di e-commerce, tecnologie per […]
Privacy & Information Technology
First EU Commission’s report on the GDPR implementation
The first EU Commission’s report on the GDPR implementation outlines that the GDPR is meeting most of its objectives, by offering citizens a strong set of enforceable rights and by creating a new European system of governance and enforcement. Harmonisation across the Member States is increasing, although there is still a certain level of fragmentation […]
Court of Justice on protection of industrial design works under EU copyright law
On June 11, 2020 the EU Court of Justice (Case C-833/2018) has ruled on protection of industrial design works under EU copyright law (the product under exam was a bicycle which can be folded into three positions). Shape of a product solely dictated by a technical function cannot be covered by copyright. However, when the […]