Trademarks & Designs

EUIPO Board of Appeal on the scope of protection of well know trademarks

On May 4, 2020 the EUIPO Board of Appeal has ruled on the scope of protection of well know trademarks under Article (8)(5) EUTMR. Although the Board recognized that the opponent HUGO BOSS successfully proved that its earlier BOSS trademark enjoys a high degree of recognition among the EU public for fashion apparel, it excluded […]

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Innovation & Strategy

Decreto ministeriale attuativo del Piano Transizione 4.0

Firmato il decreto ministeriale attuativo del Piano Transizione 4.0 a sostegno delle imprese che investono, tra l’altro, in innovazione, ricerca e sviluppo, design. Il decreto punta a dare maggiore certezza operativa e programmatica agli investimenti e a definire le modalità attuative del credito d’imposta ad essi applicabile. #ricerca #brevetti #design #incentivi […]

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Advertising & Competition

Court of Genoa on the use of a well-known trademark on social network

The Company law Division of the Court of Genoa has ruled on the Instagram use of the well-known brand Ferrari by a fashion designer and influencer. Posting pictures of fashion shoes in prominent association with another well-known trademark (the Ferrari trademark) constitutes infringement under articles 9(2)(c) EUTMR and 20(1)(c) Italian IP Code, lacking prior authorization […]

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